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28 Harefield Academy students honoured at annual presentation evening.

The Harefield Academy

Despite the poor weather, The Harefield Academy hosted it’s annual presentation evening last night (01/03/2018). 28 students were awarded with a certificate and an award, all being presented by Adrian Mariappa (Watford FC Player & Academy Graduate) and Terry Alderton (comedian, Actor and TV Presenter). Both guests spoke at length about their life experiences and offered their advice to our award winners on ow to deal with life’s ups and downs.

The overall theme for the evening #THAPROUD was reflected in the wide range of students’ work which was on display. Further works on display were named in honour of notable people in history who had a connection to Harefield Village. The evening was a demonstration of just how much pride there is in both the Village and The Academy.
Guests were also treated to music courtesy of Sixth Formers Riya Kapoor, Connor Lowden and Matthew Smith, who also accompanied a beautiful tribute to the three former students Josh McGuinness, Harry Rice and George Wilkinson who passed away recently.

The winners were:

Sponsor Awards:
1. The Headteacher’s Award for The Harefield Academy Values. – Annie Lane (Year 11)
2. The Jonathan Green Award for Excellence in the Arts. – David Pereira (Year 10)
3. The Michael Sherwood Award for Commitment to Learning. – Beyza Isik (Year 11)
4. Haig Oundjian Award for Excellence in Sport. – Alida Bogdanova (Year 11)

Faculty Awards:
5. The Speedo Award for Excellence in Business Studies. – Dominic Khan (Year 13)
6. The Data Wizard Award for Data Science. – Szymon Niesolowski (Year 9)
7. The Karima Ranieri Award for Excellence in English Literature. – Harry Ellis (Year 12)
8. The Grove Award for Excellence in Geography. – Charley Hulbert (Year 11)
9. The Harefield History Society for Excellence in History. – Lucy Wood (Year 13)
10. The Cucina Award for Excellence in Hospitality & Catering. – Calum Farrant (Year 11)
11. The Gregory Deer Award for Excellence in Mathematics. – Jessica Keys (Year 12)
12. The Bouygues Award for Excellence in Media Studies. – Christela Tshibikibula (Year 10)
13. The Wendy Rice-Morley Award for Excellence in Modern Foreign Languages. – Ben Mills (Year 11)
14. The Pullens Award for Excellence in Philosophy. – Cai Antoine (Year 13)
15. Sir Magdi Yacoub Institute Award for Excellence in Science. – Essence Martins (Year 12)
16. The Clancy Group for Excellence in Sociology. – Holly Cowdrey (Year 11)
17. The Brunel University Award for Excellence in Technology. – Sameenah Toussaint (Year 10)

Special Awards:
18. The SLS Award for Boarder of the Year. – Reece Pavani (Year 12)
19. The Crawfords Award for Extended Learning. – Annabelle Lawanson (Year 11)
20. The Hayward Services Award for Improvement in Attitudes to Learning. – Lorna Jolly (Year 10)
21. Watford Football Club Award for Scholar of the Year. – Max Rosner (Year 8)

Student of the Year:
22. The MET Award for The Student of the Year – Year 7. – Brooke Bartholomew (Year 7)
23. The MET Award for The Student of the Year – Year 8. – Charleigh Burke (Year 8)
24. The MET Award for The Student of the Year – Year 9. – Connor Elderfield (Year 9)
25. The MET Award for The Student of the Year – Year 10. – Milena Trabszo (Year 10)
26. The MET Award for The Student of the Year – Year 11. – Stuart Marks (Year 11)
27. The MET Award for The Student of the Year – Year 12. – Ethan Loach (Year 12)
28. The MET Award for The Student of the Year – Year 13. – Alexandra Topalovic (Year 13)

The event was closed with a breath taking performance by the gymnasts from the Harefield Gymnastics Academy.